World Inspired Olive Phrases and Sentences ๐Ÿˆ

The Minoans used olive oil in religious ceremonies.

In 2014, world production of virgin olive oil was 3.

Flat bread with olive oil and za'tar is also popular.

Olive oil imports come from Italy, Spain, and Turkey.

In turn, olive oil and wine were Italy's main exports.

Shells are commonly colored brown, black, or olive green.

Australia now produces a substantial amount of olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is required to have no more than 0.

Mixing garlic with egg yolks and olive oil produces aioli.

The oil burned in all of these lamps is traditionally olive oil.

The wild olive tree originated in Asia Minor or in ancient Greece.

Once aboard ship, he disinfected the wound with urine and olive oil.

Both were extremely fertile in all produce, except wine and olive oil.

Australian olive oil is exported to Asia, Europe and the United States.

In Chilean cuisine, it is served raw with lemon, onions, and olive oil.

Spain is the largest producer of olive oil, followed by Italy and Greece.

Applying olive oil to the skin does not help prevent or reduce stretch marks.

The United States produces olive oil in California, Arizona, Texas, and Georgia.

Hispania supplied the Roman Empire with silver, food, olive oil, wine, and metal

Warning! OGC is healthy, yummy and very addictive, known for being hiddenย in the back of the fridge ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy 2018!

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